Pantano & Associates


Every organization is faced with issues that disrupt or can disrupt the normal course of business. From regulatory issues to lawsuits and public opposition to a proposed project, such issues often require a thorough communications strategy to properly position your side of the issue in the eyes of the regulatory community, interested elected and business leaders and the general public.

Pantano & Associates has been on the front lines of handling myriad issues for organizations of every size. We understand that successfully navigating through an issue is a collective effort and will work as a part of your overall team to help you effectively manage an issue if and when one arises.

We have developed issues management strategies in numerous industries, including economic development and construction, healthcare and casino gaming to name a few.

Our approach is to present your perspective and the facts that back it up in a straightforward manner and to galvanize support behind your position so that you achieve your desired outcome. From organizing grass roots support for your organization and facilitating meetings with key individuals and organizations to creating tailored, strategic communication vehicles to reach your key audiences and arranging appearances on targeted public affairs programs, Pantano & Associates can help you deal with the issues that affect your organization.